What are the worship experiences like? Our worship service experiences are comprised of two primary elements: powerful worship and a life-changing message. Worship at LHBC is led by our worship leader. The pastor focuses on teaching the Bible in a way that is easy to understand and makes it applicable to one’s life. The messages are grounded in truth from God’s Word. Our worship services last about one hour.
Where do I park? Please use our parking spots that are labeled Guest on the side of the sanctuary that faces Washington Ave. You may enter using the stairs on that side of the building, through the sanctuary foyer, or walk around to our Welcome Center.
Is there handicap access to the building? For someone who has trouble climbing stairs or those in wheelchairs and is coming for Sunday worship, please use our entrance at the Welcome Center. That entrance is located between the sanctuary and the gym. There is a sign just past our sanctuary entrance, which is also close to our handicap parking.
What should I wear when I come to the Haven? You will find a wide variety of dress at the Morning Worship Service. Some are comfortable in suits and dresses; others are comfortable in more casual wear. You will not be singled out no matter what you choose to wear. Attire on Wednesday nights and at other church functions is usually more relaxed.
What should I bring when I come? Most importantly, we want you to bring yourself and your family and friends! We love having guests to worship with us. It would be beneficial to bring a Bible if you have one available to you. We have some available for you to use in the pew racks. You should be aware that an offering is collected as part of our Sunday worship services. We do encourage our members to give, since they have made a commitment to being a part of our church family. If you are guests, please do not feel any obligation to give. All giving towards God’s work and it is voluntary.
How do I become a member of Lynn Haven Baptist Church? We believe that everyone should become a part of a church family where they can serve and grow with other believers. If you are considering becoming a part of our church family, then we are truly honored. We would love for you to let us know of your desire to join so that we can meet with you and tell you more about our church as well as answer any questions you might have for us.
As Baptists, we believe that affiliating with our church is a public decision. That is why we always extend an invitation to those who are interested in becoming a part of our congregation during 10:30 am worship each week. If God is leading you to be a part of our church, then we encourage you to come forward as we sing the hymn of invitation and become a member of the Lynn Haven family in one of the following ways:
If you have never publicly accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and been baptized by immersion, you would join on profession of faith and baptism. Your church membership would become official following your baptism, which would be scheduled between you and the pastor for a date soon after you come.
If you have already been baptized by immersion and you are coming from another church, you would join by transfer of letter. Our church clerk would contact your former church and request that you be removed from their roll and added to ours as a member.
If you have already been baptized by immersion but have no other church home, you would join by statement. We would accept you as a member on your affirmation of your previous baptism and your desire to unite with us in fellowship.